Cornell, Due Process, and Liberal Education

Cornell, Due Process, and Liberal Education

...In Vengalattore v. Cornell University (I serve on the board of the New Civil Liberties Alliance, which represents the plaintiff-appellant), the appeals court overruled the trial court, holding “that Title IX affords a private right of action for a university’s...

Second Circuit Allows Title IX Claim by Professor Who Alleged Biased Sexual Misconduct Investigation

Kamala Harris’ Online Harassment Task Force Is a Bad Idea

..."By instrumentalizing tech companies, including Twitter—through pressure, coercion, and threats—to censor viewpoints that the federal executive has deemed 'misinformation,' the Surgeon General has turned Twitter's censorship into state action," writes the New Civil...

CDC Creates COVID Infection Tracker for All U.S. Counties

CDC Creates COVID Infection Tracker for All U.S. Counties

...Jenin Younes, an attorney at the New Civil Liberties Alliance law firm who has litigated against vaccine mandates and school quarantines, said the CDC’s new tracker could spark legal challenges if public officials use it to reimpose health restrictions... Read the...

High Court Won’t Hear Challenge To SEC ‘Gag Orders’

Feds Want SEC And FTC Cases Coordinated At High Court

...An attorney for Cochran, Peggy Little of the nonprofit New Civil Liberties Alliance, told Law360 on Friday they support the solicitor general's current request. "We concurred in the SG's request for coordinated briefing with Axon but separate argument on Cochran,...