by nclaadmin | Oct 17, 2019 | Blog
The Trump Administration has taken an important step in overhauling the administrative state by tackling the rampant abuse of agency “guidance.” Instead of issuing formal rules, agencies have come to rely on informal interpretations, advice, statements of policy and...
by nclaadmin | Oct 17, 2019 | Blog
Ah, the games bureaucrats play. They most often resemble Twister, of course: How well can you contort yourself to follow an agency’s myriad of guidance and regulations? But many of their games are more insidious, implicating fundamental rights including freedoms of...
by nclaadmin | Oct 28, 2019 | Blog, Kara Rollins
Asset forfeiture is the process local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies use to seize property they allege was used to facilitate a crime or is the result of a crime. It is a vestige of English law that was used to combat piracy. Or maybe more accurately...
by nclaadmin | Nov 6, 2019 | Blog
ALPRs are high-speed cameras that take photographs of vehicle license plates when they travel on public roadways. Originally ALPRs were installed primarily on police vehicles as a way to expedite license plate checks for expired registration, active warrants, or...
by nclaadmin | Nov 20, 2019 | Blog
Perhaps you get a pass if you don’t know that there is a federal agency called the Federal Service Impasses Panel that resolves disputes between federal agencies and federal-employee unions. But the Internal Revenue Service is not some obscure federal agency. IRS is...
by nclaadmin | Dec 5, 2019 | Blog
On Friday, November 15, D.C. Circuit Judges Srinivasan, Katsas, and Rao heard oral arguments in Joe Fleming, et al. v. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, No. 17-1246, which challenges the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Administrative Law Judges’ appointments and tenure...