by will.gale | Aug 20, 2021 | In the News
Garden State landlords aren’t giving in after a New Jersey court ruled that residents can use their security deposits to pay rent. In July, an appeals court upheld an executive order from Gov. Phil Murphy that allowed struggling tenants to use their security...
by will.gale | Aug 19, 2021 | In the News
A George Mason University (GMU) law professor who sued the school over its COVID-19 vaccine mandate was granted a medical exemption by the school on Tuesday. The Washington Examiner reports Todd Zywicki, the law professor at the Fairfax, Virginia, school said he had...
by will.gale | Aug 19, 2021 | In the News
George Mason University has granted a medical exemption from its COVID-19 vaccination mandate to Todd Zywicki, a professor at the university’s Antonin Scalia Law School who filed a lawsuit against the mandate two weeks ago. In a news release, the New Civil Liberties...
by will.gale | Aug 19, 2021 | In the News
Todd Zywicki had the coronavirus in March 2020, and the George Mason University Antonin Scalia Law School professor says if the vaccine was available then, he would have gotten it to avoid getting sick. But now that it’s easily obtainable, and his employer is...
by will.gale | Aug 18, 2021 | In the News
The New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA) filed a lawsuit on behalf of GMU law professor Todd Zywicki and accused GMU’s vaccine mandate of being unconstitutional for coercing Zywicki to receive unnecessary medical care. NCLA, which is a non-partisan, nonprofit civil...