by will.gale | Aug 26, 2021 | In the News
Landlords and tenants are calling on states to speed up distribution of federal funds for rental assistance after the Treasury Department announced Wednesday that just over 10% of the funds Congress allocated for needy tenants during the coronavirus pandemic has been...
by will.gale | Aug 26, 2021 | In the News
George Mason University Professor Todd Zywicki isn’t a pushover to anti-science COVID-19 policies. Zywicki has natural immunity to the virus, and thanks to his own hard work and that of his legal team, Zywicki has been granted a medical exemption from his employer’s...
by will.gale | Aug 24, 2021 | In the News
Legal experts and the American Civil Liberties Union have criticized a pair of New York judges for ordering defendants to get vaccinated if they want to make bail or be granted a plea deal. The ACLU slammed the decisions as ‘troubling’ and one lawyer even...
by will.gale | Aug 24, 2021 | In the News
On August 17, 2021, George Mason University granted a medical exemption to a law professor who sued after the school issued its vaccine requirement to work and live on campus. The plaintiff, Professor Todd Zywicki, claimed that his naturally acquired immunity should...
by will.gale | Aug 23, 2021 | In the News
ACROSS THE RIVER — “Landlord group asks NJ Supreme Court to reverse security deposit ruling,” by The Real Deal’s Sasha Jones: “Garden State landlords aren’t giving in after a New Jersey court ruled that residents can use their security deposits to pay rent. In July,...