by | Jul 27, 2022 | In the News
…The provision limited native speakers of a foreign language to no more than 10 of the 15 points available on the portion of the Fulbright-Hays application that assesses foreign language proficiency. It was challenged in federal court by a conservative civil...
by | Jul 26, 2022 | Opinion, Russ Ryan
Imagine a dystopian world where Congress empowers a private corporation to secretly investigate and punish members of a particular profession — say, auditors. Think of a private version of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), but with evergreen funding that...
by | Jul 21, 2022 | In the News
…The New Civil Liberties Alliance filed an appeal yesterday to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit on behalf of a former forensics coach at James Madison University. Greg Dolin, Senior Litigation Counsel for the nonprofit civil rights group, says...
by | Jul 20, 2022 | Jameson Payne, Opinion
I. Introduction On May 29th, 1919, British researchers operating out of Principe and Sobral, Brazil, tested a simple proposition: whether, during that day’s total eclipse, the light of stars proximate to the sun would be deflected, thus distorting their observed...
by | Jul 14, 2022 | In the News
…The SEC did not respond to my query on the 5th Circuit ruling and concurrence. Novinger counsel Margaret Little of the New Civil Liberties Alliance said she and her client are “exploring all of our options”… Read the full article