by NCLA | Jan 24, 2020 | Blog
Secretary of Interior David Bernhardt has been working for over six months to relocate certain senior Bureau of Land Management (BLM) personnel out of Washington, DC to offices located in the interior west. As a native Wyomingite I can speak from personal experience...
by | Jan 23, 2020 | In the News
Federal agencies haven’t had much luck at the U.S. Supreme Court lately, but it could soon get much worse. The justices are now considering taking up two cases that could dramatically limit when courts must defer to regulators about the meaning of statutes. Read the...
by | Jan 22, 2020 | In the News
Machine guns are prohibited under federal law. But what about bump stocks, a plastic accessory that can make a perfectly legal semi-automatic weapon behave like a machine gun? Read the full article here.
by NCLA | Jan 15, 2020 | Blog, Peggy Little
The more laws, the less justice. Cicero Imagine if your Senator or Congressman proposed a law that required every American to turn over to the government data for every single trade they made in the market. Your broker could not opt out, nor could you, unless you...
by NCLA | Jan 14, 2020 | Press Releases
Washington, DC (January 14, 2020) — A tweet in jest by Ben Domenech, a co-founder and publisher of NCLA client FDRLST Media, LLC, which publishes the online magazine, The Federalist, resulted in the filing of a formal charge with the National Labor Relations Board...